“Disclaimer: I received 2 Zwift Run Pods as part of being a BibRave Pro to participate in Turn it Up Tuesdays. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!”
Turn it Up Tuesday is a Zwift group event that has a different workout each week. BibravePro’s have been pacing two of the groups. The 6am central and the 8:30pm central group.
I originally was pacing a 9 min/mile group in the 6am group until I placed myself on injury reserve. I absolutely love Zwift and participated in the first opt-in and you can read about that here.
Some pro’s had issues with the Zwift runpod with our first opt-in, but have stated with the new firmware update that this time around is so much better and they actually are loving it!
I hated the treadmill, but Zwift makes it so much more fun and with the colder weather coming, it will be coming in handy once I make my comeback.
I participated in the first workout and had a blast!
Another great thing about Zwift is the connection to Strava. Your run will transfer right over. It even took a nice screenshot of me while running.
Do you have a Turkey Trot planned? These are great workouts to get you ready. If you are looking for some directed workouts and you aren’t already on a plan, than think about joining the Turn it Up Tuesday’s on Zwift. There are a lot more time slots available, but like I said, you can run with BibravePro’s at 6am central and 8:30pm central.
All you need is:
- A treadmill
- A runpod
- Phone, tablet, or computer
Don’t have a runpod? No problem! I have a runpod to giveaway to one lucky follower! Here’s how you can enter!
Q: What about Zwift are you looking forward to?
Q: Do you like running on treadmills?
I use zwift often for cycliing but not as much for running. Lately, my current pod is acting up so I could use a new one