What am I currently loving?
This is a series that I highlight what I am loving lately. Today we have Fabletics, Tuft & Needle and Project Life.
Project Life
I have been using Project Life since I started as a graduate assistant at the University of Missouri. I didn’t feel like I would be blogging as much because there wasn’t much I could really put out into the world. The same continued through my full-time position, so I just kept up my Project Life. It’s something I enjoy doing and more of an exciting way of scrapbooking. Plus I just love all the cards/content to choose from to go with my pictures. I also have a sturdy plastic envelope that I put in each book that holds mementos, such as tickets, our score card from mini golf, etc. In my old book I had an envelope that held all my graduation cards, so I could look back on those memories. It’s super easy and fun to sit down later in life and look back on.
You can find limited selections in Walmart, Michael’s or Hobby Lobby if you are local. I know outside of the Columbia area there is more of a selection. There used to be a large selection at these retailers but I guess it didn’t sell well in the area. But, don’t fret! I LOVE Project Life so much that I became an affiliate to help spread the love. So if you want more variety or are interested in the digital version versus the physical form like I have, you can shop over at Beckyhiggins.com (affiliate link)

Tuft & Needle

Okay, so we had had our mattress since I was a junior in college and it was one that you got with a box spring for under $400. At the time, it was perfect for me. I loved just upgrading to a full bed from a twin and was ecstatic. It was a birthday present from my dad and I was above grateful. Fast forward 4 years and I purchased a memory foam mattress topper that brought it back to life. But then a year later I started sleeping awful (probably didn’t help I worked a ton,) but I knew to start researching a bed. I knew I wanted to upgrade to a queen and my dad had sent me Tuft & Needle. I loved the idea of it showing up to my house in a box and being ready to go. Also love that it didn’t need a box spring (less to move if I move again.) I also had been comparing to other similar mattresses, but the price on this one comparative to the competition, sold me. Plus if you don’t like it within 100 days, you get to donate it and receive your money back. It’s also made in the USA and I love that! We received our mattress in February and I can say that 5 months later, I’m still in love. It’s so comfortable and if you have two people on it, you cannot feel the other person get out of bed. I think that’s awesome, but my quality of sleep has been leaps and bounds better.
I’m not affiliated with Tuft & Needle. Just want to share a product that I truly love.

The last product I’ll post today is the Fabletics athletic wear line. If you know me, you’ll know that I LOVE Fabletics and because of how soft the clothes are (butter,) I always cave on a sale. I would say their prices aren’t terrible when regular priced, but when they have sales, which they ALWAYS do, you cannot beat the prices! But if you have never purchased Fabletics before, then you get a deal when you first sign up (can skip months or cancel membership after your first purchase,) which makes it almost too good to not try. I have a referral code right here, that you could use to see what your deal will be! I love the quality of their leggings/capris. Definitely pass the bend over test if you know what I mean.
Q: What are your favorite products lately?
Q: Do you have any of the above?