This is the recap of Week 12 of Mo’ Cowbell Half Marathon training. I’m definitely starting to feel the fatigue and we had travel intertwined with this week of training and into next week’s training. In total I took 5 straight days off. You’ll get to read about how that felt on the Week 13 run down. If you followed my training for my last half marathon, you will remember that the last few weeks of training I went downhill to where I only had 1-2 runs. It was not pretty. I am hoping to really not let that happen this time!
off day
3 miles @ 9:59 pace
- 10:14
- 9:55
- 9:50

This was a 2×2 mile workout and just like last time, I quit it. I had to stop for rest in between. At this point, a whole week later, I don’t even remember what I ended up doing. I think it was more like 800’s with some rest between but not 800’s with intent, more like a mile effort that ended up being an 800 with breaks. My body was fatigued – I felt slow and my lower legs were hurting. It just wasn’t great but effort was still there. So take these with the knowledge that there was stopped watches and rest.
warm up 1 mile @ 10:55
- 8:06
- 8:24
- 8:08
Some jogging rest in there a bit and then cool down of 1.1 miles @ 10:33 pace
total workout: 5.5 miles @ 9:48 pace
I’m definitely going to be changing the planned speed days for the remainder of my training to fit in with where I’m mentally at. I would rather complete a speed session than give up, so I just need to tailor it to me.

3 miles @ 10:41 pace
- 10:39
- 10:45
- 10:40

All the days after….
Then we left town and it all went downhill from there.
I had envisioned that I would run Saturday and then move my long run to Monday when we got home. But the stress of the trip in general had me wiped and emotional. It’s now Wednesday of the following week and today was the first day I ran since. I’ll leave it at that for now and hopefully we can have a more successful week of training. I do have a race this week that I was going to use as my speed workout and we will see how that goes.