This is the recap of Week 10 of Mo’ Cowbell Half Marathon training. Only 6 weeks left until race day! Can you believe it? Would you also believe that I already signed up for my next half marathon and have a coupon code for you to use? If you have any interest in running any of the distances for the Christie Clinic half marathon weekend, then you need to know prices increase on September 1st, and that I can save you an additional $10 off all race distances except the Kids Run and the Mile. Code 2024BIBRAVEILLINOIS will get you $10! You can register here. Now back to my other race and the training!
off day
6 miles @ 9:41 pace
- 9:59
- 9:43
- 9:48
- 9:28
- 9:29
- 9:36

This was an incomplete workout, but I’m okay with it. 2×2 mile at goal pace. I ended up doing one and then another mile on it’s own with intentions of completing, then just quit.
Warmup: 1 mile @ 10:41
- 8:11
- 8:25
- 8:27
- quit and did cool down
cool down: 0.72 miles @ 10:23
I’m not sure why I struggle with longer speed workouts besides I just don’t like them and I don’t have confidence in myself. I think also my body just was tired. It wasn’t me looking at my paces and giving up, because I told myself not to look because I already knew I am not in goal pace shape. But honestly, I was happy with what I put out there and was okay that I ended early. I already went in thinking I couldn’t do it, and that’s what you get.

3.54 miles @ 10:25 pace
- 10:42
- 10:37
- 10:13
- 9:50 (0.54)

off day
unplanned off day. Was planning to do 3 easy miles, but my daughter is very convincing and wanted me to stay home.
10 miles @ 9:45 pace
- 10:32
- 10:00
- 9:58
- 9:46
- 9:35
- 9:47
- 9:15
- 9:13
- 9:36
- 9:48

My Spring Awesome Sauces are now being used as my primary fuel source after my reviews are coming to an end. I have two more gels to try, so those will be my secondary gels. This time I tried GU Raspberry Lemonade and I already knew I wasn’t going to like the texture based on how the pack felt. It was SO THICK. Y’all if you are basing gels off of GU then please go try a Huma or Spring because the texture is SO different. Those will be my go-to’s for all training long runs moving forward.
So yes, that was week 10. I can’t believe we are getting closer. 10 miles is my longest long run that I have done during half marathon training. This training cycle I have the goal to get up to 12, so we will see if that happens. I really want to feel strong my last 4 miles. In the past when I get to mile 9 I just fade out and my body is so sore and beat up. I don’t want to feel that way.
If it doesn’t happen this cycle, then for my next half I want to go maybe 14 or 15 miles as my peak long run. But I’ll just see what happens.