Have you heard of Chirp Wheels, or seen them on your social media, or even better, Shark Tank? This has been a product I have been wanting to try for a few years now! I was so excited when Chirp wanted to partner with me and gifted me The Ultimate Back + Neck Bundle to review. I’m going to share what is in the Ultimate Back + Neck Bundle and highlight my favorites out of it, if I had to choose!

What is Chirp?
The Chirp Wheel puts pressure on the muscles surrounding the spine. In doing so, the muscles are stretched and strengthened. The technical term for this is Myofascial Release. Myofascial is a fancy word for muscle, and release is referring to the tension within the muscle.
How is a Chirp Wheel different than a foam roller?
There are two main differences — width and pressure.
1. All Chirp Wheels are 5″ wide. This width is perfect for putting the pressure where it is needed along the spine and between the shoulder blades. A foam roller just steamrolls the whole area with no real focus.
2. Chirp Wheels come in 3 sizes (diameters) — 12″ 10″ and 6″. Due to the size change, the area in contact with the muscles at any given point provides a different amount of pressure. Think wearing high heels in the snow vs. actual snowshoes.
Check out this video to see more.
Difference between the Chirp Wheels
There is a fabulous chart on their website that really shows how each wheel can benefit you. I can’t fit it all on here, so I am going to link to it. If you scroll down you will see each wheel compared to each other. This was helpful to me when I first got the bundle to help decide where to start.
Chirp Wheel in Action
My Review
I really love this product. I don’t think it’s absolutely necessary to own all the different sizes, but I think the price point on bundles, especially if you do an open box version, is very justifiable. Both my husband and I had the snap, crackle, pop effects on our very first roll. It does take some patience to make sure you have correct positioning of your spine, but otherwise I did not find it hard to use. I think that was the biggest selling point for me when I first heard about the product was the spine protection. I also love the different amounts of pressure. It’s no surprise to me though that there is a wheel that I keep going back to and starting with all the time. My choice: 10″ Firm. If I could only pick ONE, this would be my go-to.

Not only are these simple to use and effective, but they are aesthetically pleasing and I love that they nest within each other. I don’t like when things clutter my area, so for these to all nest within each other and then zip up into a case to either travel easily with or just store, is an amazing feature.
Most Surprising
The one that surprised me most that I love is the 4″ Focus. Just having my neck rest on it while laying down provided some amazing relief that I didn’t know I struggled with.
Have a tight budget?
I’m also a huge advocate for saving money, so if you are interested in these products and don’t mind open box, they do have a refurbished section with some great deals!
Once again, a big thank you to Chirp for allowing me to review this product. It’s definitely been added into my rotation of recovery tools for my training!