This is the recap of Week 7 of Mo’ Cowbell Half Marathon training. The week of the heat advisory. Two days skipped, but we made due. Last week of hill training and a very disgusting gel that I would not recommend. My decision to purchase Spring Awesome Sauce (73.75) through Sports Basement and the discount code BASEMENTEER to save an additional 10% off (66.37 + free shipping.) Let’s get into it!
off day – but I did lift legs
5 mile recovery run on the treadmill @ 11:20 pace with 137 bpm avg
- 11:46
- 11:25
- 11:13
- 11:09
- 11:09
3.1 mile recovery run on the treadmill @11:13 pace with 132 bpm avg
- 11:48
- 10:59
- 10:55
- 10:50 (.1)

This was supposed to be my hill workout but we had another heat advisory and I knew how terrible hills went on the treadmill. I took the day off.
3.1 mile recovery run on the treadmill @ 10:57 with 137 bpm avg
- 11:03
- 10:56
- 10:53
- 10:54 (.1)
This was supposed to be another easy run, but I wasn’t feeling it and we ended up putting together a swing set and having other things that filled our day. I knew a couple easy miles wasn’t going to make or break my training.
I combined my 90 minute long run with the last 20 min being faster, with my hill workout that I missed on Thursday.
So I did 15 min warm up, 10 x 1:15 hills at 5k pace, with 2 min downhill recovery jog, then cooled down until I had 20 min left of my 90. I then picked it up but not too intensely since I already did some hills. I still probably think it’s around my 5k pace, at least my most recent 5k, but we will know soon what my new 5k pace is!
I’m not going to type out all the hill repeats, but slowest repeat was 8:08 pace and fastest was 7:44 pace and I stuck closer to the 8 minute pace for the majority.
My last two miles were 9:59 and 9:03, with the overall run being 9 miles @ 10:12 pace with 151 bpm avg.
I tried the strawberry huma gel and that wasn’t bad – not my favorite flavor so far of the huma gels, but nothing like how bad the SIS apple one was. You can see me in the video shaking my head. It reminded me of a really bad college night of drinking. I don’t even know how to describe it. Thankfully they are so thin that they are easier to get down.

One of my pals on IG (shout out @satiatenutrition (IG), Hayden James, RDN, CSSD, CDCES (website),) posted about this deal on the Spring Awesome Sauce gels and I had been waiting for a good sale! I had determined these were what I wanted to use for my race because I only had to consume 2 during my whole half marathon which saves me time and also had a good texture and taste. I love the Huma and will still continue to review all the other gels that I have bought, but for race day specifically, these will be my gel of choice for during the race.
Sometimes I get anxiety while running and have to stop in order to consume a gel, so I would rather only stop twice than 4 times for the other gels. When you calculate the price for Huma gels x 2 because you need twice as many as the Spring, then the price for Spring doesn’t seem as scary – especially with this discount! $66 for a 20 pack of gels (use code BASEMENTEER) that have 44g of carbohydrates isn’t bad at all. Who said running was an inexpensive sport, ha!
I actually already have decided my Spring half marathon too and booked a hotel….which one do you think it is?!