Tuesday: 3×10 min (6.2 miles @ 9:38 pace)
Did a 5 min warm up followed by 3×10 min intervals with 2 min rest in between. Here are my paces for each interval and I did standing rest. The second interval was a lot of uphill and then the third was against wind. Trying to brave the wind we’ve been having instead of avoiding it because you can’t predict race conditions.
- 8:41 pace
- 8:33 pace
- 8:11 pace
Then had a little under 2 miles of cooldown.

Friday: ladder workout (4.2 miles @ 9:28 pace)
Now I did take this workout to the treadmill and I’m okay with that since it was a ladder workout.
- 1 min on: 7:45 pace
- 2 min on: 8:04 pace
- 3 min on: 8:07 pace
- 4 min on: 8:10 pace
- 4 min on: 8:04 pace
- 3 min on: 7:57 pace
- 2 min on: 7:46 pace
- 1 min on: 7:28 pace
Each segment had 1 min recovery jog between. I did about a 5 min warmup and then a little over 6 min cool down. Knew this didn’t have to be super long in mileage since I had my long run still and didn’t want to increase total mileage by too much from last week.

Sunday: 10.3 miles with EMHM efforts – total pace of 9:29/mile
When I started this run it was a feels like of 17 degrees and with that knowledge I overdressed. So by mile 1.5 I already stripped off my top layer and had to wear it around my waist for the rest of the run. I took the first three miles as warmup and then went into the rest of the workout. Miles 1-3 were easy pace, 3-5 were moderate, 5-7 were hard and 7-9 were moderate efforts with the last mile being a cool down.
- Mile 1: 10:11
- Mile 2: 10:07
- Mile 3: 10:03
- Mile 4: 9:07
- Mile 5: 9:11
- Mile 6: 8:41
- Mile 7: 8:21
- Mile 8: 9:27
- Mile 9: 9:25
- Mile 10: 10:00, had .3 after to make it home

The first 3 miles were actually really hilly and in true runner fashion my hard efforts fell on the direction the wind was coming. It always works that way ha! But I’ve really been enjoying my long runs and I think the max I’ll hit and sustain will be 11 at most.
That’s a wrap on week 6 with a total of 20.7 miles of running!