Holy cow blog world! It’s been awhile, eh? I assure you I have been up to some amazing things and that is why I have been away. However, it’s perfect timing to start back up as I’m going to be living out a dream shortly, because I am heading to the University of Oregon for a month. If you are a runner, I am sure you received motivation from Prefontaine and Bill Bowerman

at some point or another in your career. I know in high school we would watch “Prefontaine” and “Without Limits” almost every pasta party or before a big race. It has been a dream to even visit Hayward Field and be a part of Nike Town. I knew I would never get the opportunity to step on that track as a competitor, but now I will have that ability to step on that track as a person who is in love with running. Pre’s trail will be mine to take on and all those trails I dreamt of will now be underneath my running shoes.
I have truly been blessed in my career path to become a Sports Dietitian. It’s rare to be able to step into the field right out of your undergraduate degree, much less have a position created for you. I was mentored by an incredible staff at the University of Missouri, whom I call my family. I graduated with my master’s degree early and applied for internships. It’s also a slim chance to match with a dietetic internship (50/50 chance) and I matched with my first choice. Not only did I match with my first choice but I was able to continue with sports nutrition in my community rotation and also my elective rotation. I had the amazing opportunity to work at the University of Oklahoma for a month and it’s coming to a close.
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t truly appreciate every moment I get to spend with athletes and help maximize performance with nutrition. I know this is the career I belong in and that I am about to do amazing things and that alone is a great feeling. It warms my heart to have dietitians in the field saying incredible things about me and my future and nothing feels more right than this.
As my dietetic internship is coming to an end, I plan to take you on a rewind of it all and catch you up to my journey to Oregon coming up at the end of the month.
To everyone who said I would never make it in this field, boy do I love to prove that if you have a dream and hard work, nothing can stop you, because like I learned at the University of Oklahoma, it takes GRIT!