Here is the recap from 11 weeks out from the Christie Clinic Illinois Half Marathon. It ends in quite a sour note to be honest.
Disclaimer: I received free entry to the half marathon at the Christie Clinic Illinois Race Weekend by being a part of The Vibe. Learn more about becoming a member in The Vibe: A BibRave Network, and check out!
To sign up for the Christie Clinic Illinois Race Weekend, click here (referral link.) Use code 2024BIBRAVEILLINOIS to save $15 off all race distances except the kids fun run and the mile.
Zwift Monday – biked 8.15 miles in 28:46 with avg 17 mph and 119 bpm avg hr

This was a workout calling for all out 8 second sprints with as much recovery as you need walking rest. I warmed up for 20 minutes before.
My 8 sec sprint paces – 8:58 – 6:32 – 7:20 – 6:29 – 6:08 – 5:41 – 5:49 – 5:59
Then did a 14 minute cool down. Fun fact, my fastest mile ever is 5:41.
off day
30 minute easy run – ran 2.41 miles @ 12:28 pace with 142 bpm

1 on 1 off workout. Ran 15 minutes for warm up.
1 on paces: 8:58 – 8:23 – 8:21 – 8:20 – 8:06 – 8:04
Cut my cool down short at only 9 minutes because my left leg was not having it. I definitely became even more worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up this training. Very discouraged but went home and did some recovery.

This was supposed to be another attempt at a long run and I was planning to do 50-60 minutes. At a mile my hip/glute was already locking up on me and just not wanting to move smoothly. It’s hard to explain because it’s not locking up while I’m in running stride but if I lift my leg to the side (imagine fire hydrants.) So typically that’s a motion that I can get a nice pop and it doesn’t have pain. But I truly feel that this is probably what started all of my issues to begin with because I stopped being able to pop my hip and with that motion it is more stiff and has pain. My sad self thought I would at least finish the loop I was on because it wasn’t much more distance added than just turning around. I did some walking to kind of help, stopped to try and pop/stretch that location and ultimately just went home with my head in my hands. I finished the run I intended but it wasn’t pretty and just didn’t give me confidence.
I ran 53ish minutes for 4.16 miles @ 12:49 pace with 135 bpm HR. At least my HR training is going well LOL.
That run made me feel that my body can’t even do this easy run, it won’t be able to handle the training I need and mileage increase I will need in order to safely run a half marathon.
I was able to get a sports massage scheduled and am hoping they can really dig in there and give some trigger point/active release or something to help improve. On top of that, my knee is still bothering me, but like I said, I am just wondering if it’s all stemming from the hip and if I can fix that then hopefully it can alleviate my knee.
I also ordered the Pso-rite and will see if that can help in between massage sessions (if I do more than my initial one.)
I’m feeling sad and frustrated because I’m doing the things but they aren’t progressing. My plan is to back off running if my knee/hip is already bothered and do a few more bike days with less run days. I don’t want to give up yet, but I also don’t want to pressure myself to keep up with training that my body can’t handle.