Well if you’ve been reading you have noticed that I was injured for over a month or so.
Some cross training I did was:
Aqua Jog
Spin Bike
The only one I even enjoyed was aqua jogging. Why?
Elliptical is plain boring.
- It’s a tease.
- It’s the closest thing to running but yet you can’t and it doesn’t even feel the same.
- Time seems to go by so slow when on the elliptical.
- You can’t even read or do anything to pass the time because you have to have your hands on the bars.
Spin Bike hurts your butt.
If that isn’t good enough then:
- The seat is uncomfortable.
- When adjusting the height, I still can’t get comfortable.
- If I lean forward it hurts even more.
Aqua Jogging is fun.
- Friends don’t mind coming to the pool to join you.
- I get to use a belt because I can’t stay afloat in the deep end. (it’s a fear, leave me alone)
- It reminds me of running, but no pounding.
- There are a lot more people to people watch at the pool.
- You can actually hear the music.
- You don’t sweat because the water is cold. +++++
However Aqua Jogging has a big negative to it: Doesn’t get my heart rate up enough. FAIL
Some cross training activities I enjoy doing nonetheless:
- Biking on the road bike (only on flat trails with no cars, yes I know it’s a ROAD bike, but I’m not comfortable with cars yet)
- TAE-BO with BIlly Blanks for sure. I fell in love with Tae-Bo in middle school. (I haven’t done it for a long time)
- Cardio Workouts (my teacher has us do cardio workout circuits in class and they get your heart rate up and make you work)
Some sports I enjoy playing:
- Soccer
- Knock Out/Just shooting hoops with the basketball
- ULTIMATE FRISBEE (my favorite activity ever!)
- Bowling (does that count? I
to bowl)
- Racquetball!!! (My new found love)
So those are some of my favorite cross training activities and sports to play!!